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How to Sync Sony Sound Bar With TV Remote [3 Easy Steps]

Using two remotes for two devices can be annoying. We all want our soundbar to turn off when the TV does. 

How to sync Sony sound bars with tv remote?

You can connect two of the devices through an HDMI cable. HDMI cables are highly capable cables that can output audio and video. So, connect two of the devices and enable control from HDMI. Afterward, press on the sync menu. This way your soundbar will be synced with the TV. 

It’s confusing to find each of the functions when you connect with the HDMI cable. We have given full-blown details on each of the steps and the functions.

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How to Sync the Sound Bar with TV Remote?

Using two remotes for one appliance can be really annoying. Syncing all the controls in one remote is an effective solution in this condition. 

If you’re using two remotes, you need to control the volume from both of the remotes. Otherwise, you will not get the full sound experience. Syncing the two of them enables you to control them using a single remote.

With it, you can control the TV and the soundbar. 

But syncing two of the remotes might seem a really complicated task. It’s actually not that hard. But for your ease of understanding, we have divided that task into three steps.

You might have a tough time operating Sony TV with different brands of soundbar. Using Sony soundbars with Sony TV is best. Just like connecting a Vizio TV with a soundbar from Vizio.

Follow the below steps to sync your soundbar with the TV remote:

Step 1: Connect with HDMI

The soundbar can be connected with the TV in various methods. But here you have to sync the soundbar with the TV. For that you need to connect it through an HDMI cable. 

HDMI cables are a comparatively new type of cable which works for both audio and video. On old TVs, people used to have multiple types of cable. Those cables used to be round and usually came in various colors.

There are a lot of types of HDMI cables. But not all of them have the same quality. 

If you are thinking of buying an HDMI cable, check out the ones below:


These cables are capable of streaming up to 4K and crystal clear audio. They won’t even break your bank. 

HDMI cables look like a big USB plug. You can find an HDMI port on the TV and the soundbar. Attach the cable to the respective ports. 

After that, check if your TV and soundbar have an HDMI option. It helps if you read the user guide for sony soundbar.

Step 2: Enable Control from HDMI

Even though the TV and the soundbar are connected, there’s more you need to do. You’ve to let your TV know that you want to use the HDMI cable. 

To do so, enable the “control from HDMI”. Enable it from both the TV and the soundbar. Otherwise, the devices will not be synced. 

Step 3: Press on Sync Menu

The final step for you is to press sync. But you need to go to the sync menu first. You can find the sync menu button on your TV remote. Here, you will find all the devices you can sync

From the menu, you need to find the “HDMI device selection”. In HDMI device selection you’ll see all the devices which are connected through HDMI. Select the soundbar and you are all set.

This way you can sync and connect a soundbar with your TV remote. But you must remember, this process will work if your TV has Bravia sync. 

But there are cases where you can connect a different brand to each other. Such as, you can connect Sony TV to JBL soundbar

How to Enable HDMI Controls on Sony Soundbar?

HDMI cables are highly capable cables that can output both audio and video. You also gain some functions through connecting through HDMI. 

Unfortunately, these controls will not work if you have a Sony HT-X9000F/Z9F model. 

To enable the controls, you need to:

  • Press the home button on your soundbar remote.
  • Select the setup mode. 
  • Click on advanced settings.
  • Go to HDMI settings.
  • There you’ll find “control for HDMI”, select it and click on it. 

Through this method, you can enable the HDMI controls on your soundbar. 

What If the Soundbar is Connected Through a Different Method

So, what can you do if your TV and soundbar is not connected through HDMI? Only the new models of TV and soundbar have HDMI ports. Or even if your TV has an HDMI port, your soundbar might not. 

In that case you need to follow a different type of method. 

The option you can check is if the TV you use has an infrared remote. If so, you can set your soundbar to work alongside the TV. You might need to check the manual for the soundbar.

Not all soundbars can connect like this. But this is an easy and common method to follow. Because, not all TVs have an HDMI port. Or even if it has, it might not work. It’s a common issue that is related with problematic Vizio sound bars HDMI ARC.


Questions: What do I get by syncing the TV and soundbar remote?

Answers: You can turn the volume up and down. On and off the soundbar. Use the playback operations. The functions depend on the model of the TV and soundbar. 

Question: What are the other connection methods?

Answer: There are HDMI ARC, optical audio cable, and analog audio cable. You can connect your soundbar through any of the cables. 

Question: Can I sync a Samsung soundbar with a Sony TV?

Answer: Syncing another brand of a soundbar with another brand of TV is hard. Check if the particular model of soundbar and TV is compatible with this function. 


That’s all you need to know about how to sync Sony sound bars with tv remote. Easy, right? 

Before you want to sync two of the devices, check if your models are compatible. Read the user manual carefully for further instructions, if required.

Happy movie night!